beautiful pictures, i love green, and it’s healthy. i need more greens in my college tummy

Now that Winter is (finally) coming to an end, I’m committed to cleanse my body and get ready for Spring. After months of heavy eating and comfort food, its a relief to have a fresh, light, and lemony soup made with homemade broth that is packed with leafy greens and vitamins. Looking for an inspirational detox dish that will jump-start your body’s spring cleaning? You’ve come to the right place. This soup is simple, quick and easy.

Here in Israel, its difficult to come across a large selection of leafy greens. I can always find baby spinach and swiss chard, but I still can’t find kale, or collard greens anywhere (not even at the farmer’s market). For that reason I added broccolini to the soup, because it is actually a cross between broccoli and Chinese kale. If these leafy greens are more accessible to you, I would definitely add…

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I really love Islamic art and architecture and culture!

What you can buy online..


How many of all of you have a collection?

I’ve been wondering for my whole life what I should collect. I would look at my uncle’s comic book collection, my sister’s quarter collection, and my dad’s stamp and baseball card and records collection, and I’m just amazed!

Collections are like your own museum and I really want one. I want to stick to one theme though, but that is so hard to do, because I like everything. I went through a phase where I really like glass jars and vases, but then a comrade advised against it, saying if I were to move to a house, a glass collection would be dangerous and a hassle to bring along. It IS true, if you think about it, but glass is still pretty and worth it.

Something Like This!

I mean, look at all the DIY you can do will glass vases and jars. Think about all the terrariums you can put in there!!
and boy, do I have a soft spot for terrariums! Speaking of terrariums, click

Then I went through a phase where I wanted every room of my house to feature a different theme. I wanted seven rooms including bathrooms and bedrooms and kitchen and living room and I wanted to decorate each room a different continent!
That didn’t work out that well, I need to explore the world more, or stick to one theme so I don’t strangle my bank account to death.

Then I went through a phase where I wanted to collect postcards from all over the world! There’s a site called (I THINK) I forgot the link… but you can pick someone from the world and you can write to them from where you are, and they’ll write from where they are. it’s as easy as easy-peasy-on-a-cheezie.

And then I decided to give up. That’s something I do a lot these days.
Until, I found this on the modcloth blog. whoohoot.

and this is my result:

Marvelous Mugs!

(I actually didn’t really follow the quiz, because I’m just so indecisive, but mugs won’t break my bank, and I only need one salt and pepper set, and I don’t need statement heels, and collecting gloves is like collecting hands. Isn’t that creepy??)

Baker Bettie

I don’t know what it is about Valentine’s Day this year, but I keep coming up with lots of ideas I want to share with you all.  Maybe because the last year of my life was spent wedding planning and I have decorating, party planning, and love on the brain.

But without getting too Sandra Lee on you, I had this idea for a black and white table set up or “tablescape” as she would call it.  I had been thinking about making homemade marshmallows for a while and kept thinking how pretty it would look with big white marshmallows floating in dark hot chocolate or coffee.

One of my favorite parts of our wedding was the pictures we put on the tables.  Old pictures in wallet size of our grandparents and parents.  I don’t know how we got so lucky to have so many adorable pictures of them.  But…

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Baker Bettie

Yesterday was one of those days where the baking gods were just not on my side.  I had these plans of making these adorable mini cakes, but no matter how much I greased and floured the pans I could not get them out in one piece.

But luckily my mind is always churning about things I can make so I decided to make some sweet yeast dough last night for some homemade donuts this morning.  I knew that would make one happy husband.

 These were so easy.  And how yummy and adorable would these be as a party dessert?

Served with a shot of milk… or a shot of coffee liquor.  Cute!

Chocolate Filled Mini Donuts 

  • 1 package yeast
  • 3/4 cup warm water
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 4 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 sticks butter, melted
  • 3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • frying oil
  • chocolate chips
  • cinnamon
  • sugar

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Our Adventures In The Middle East

Hugo is our beautiful little Scottish Fold kitten … After arriving in Dubai with his brother last week we went and picked him up from the Cattery last night and I negotiated a day working from home to be sure that he settled in ok …

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Foreign Cinema

foreign cinema

There’s a restaurant in San Francisco, that goes by the name, Foreign Cinema, and I guess this is a dedication to that restaurant, and! I like foreign cinema =)

Henry David Thoreau

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life

how words can really pluck

Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.

-Robbie Turner aka James McAvoy

So, my sister and Robbie were never able to have the time together they both so longed for… and deserved. Which ever since I’ve… ever since I’ve always felt I prevented. But what sense of hope or satisfaction could a reader derive from an ending like that? So in the book, I wanted to give Robbie and Cecilia what they lost out on in life. I’d like to think this isn’t weakness or… evasion… but a final act of kindness. I gave them their happiness.

-Older Briony